Dear Dave Wells, (with excuses to everyone else on the list)
I researched for your question on the St. Petersburg thing.
I'm in New York at the moment and therefore didn't have your personal email
address at hand.
The Dutch government does support several initiatives aimed at helping
Eastern Europe. Problem however is that we've just got a new government and
they are  reshuffling the various ministeries (with culture going from the
Welfare department to Education & Science). So it is difficult to get hold of
the right person. You might try and contact mr. P.J.C. Mulder at telephone
number +31.70.3407911 (fax: +31.70.3407834)
The telephone  (general) number of the new ministery will be +31.79.531911
(fax: +31.79.531953).
Another option is to contact the Dutch Museum Association (tel. nr.
+31.20.6203308). They are always very sweet and willing to help, but not very
well informed. (too many volunteers/internships).
Hope it will at least be of some help.
with best wishes,
Jaap Boter
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