I need to obtain the email or snail addresses for film archives to track down so
me motion picture footage for several projects. Could someone get me started on
this process? I am looking for MGM footage probably shot for a Chaplain picture
set in Alaska. There is also a film done in 1918 entitled something like "A Day
in the Life of Skagway, Alaska." A third subject is the Presidio of San Francisc
o. The fourth project involves the island of Taroa in the Marshall Islands. I am
 looking for combat footage during World War II as well as the post-war removal
of Japanese troops. The fifth one involves newsreels and other footage of Yap in
 the Western Caroline Islands. The sixth is for Pohnpei in the Eastern Carolines
. Anyone having ideas on where to start please contact me directly. Thank you.
I will post this to several lists, so apologize to multiple recipients.
William H. Adams
P.O. Box 1177
Philomath, OR 97370-1177  USA
503-929-3102       -3264 fax
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