Now I'm going to add my two cents into this discussion.
To D. Hunt:
In my view, the problem has been all along that we (anthropologists) have
conducted scientific research on human remains "behind closed doors" and
it has always been "secretive" as far as the general public is concerned.
They have always derived information about ancient human remains from
popular literature and the media because we have failed to provide any
other avenue for them to fulfill their desire to know.  Worse yet, the
remains of thousands of human beings have sat on museum storage shelves
for decades without being studied at all - a horrible and, yes, immoral
waste in my judgement.  Perhaps if we had been more dilligent in deriving
some public good by studying these remains, and if we had made this
information not only available to the public, but had helped the descendants
in some way with our research, we would have half a leg to stand on in
protesting that scientific inquiry is being thwarted by the repatriation
To Dave Harvey:
The original query was not just about conserving a mummy, but displaying
it.  Therein lies the difference.
I would agree that the beliefs of contemporary Egyptian society should be
taken into consideration here.  We cannot apply a universal standard where-
by to judge the display of human remains.  The other consideration is in
what context the remains are going to be displayed and what they actually
add to the exhibit.
Amy A. Douglass
Tempe Historical Museum
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