At the Museum of Victoria we are starting to dabble with the idea of
augmenting our coverage of the museum user (or potential user) by
producing CD-ROM, CD-I or similar material. This would probably be
directed at the Education sector but we are keen to consider wider
audiences. The general aim would be for cost recovery, though profit
would be nice!
If anyone has experiences to share, war stories, examples of successful
products, i would be most interested to hear. There are also issues
relating to whether to produce Mac or IBM (for CD-ROM), types of
authoring systems, etc, etc. _Any help would be appreciated!
*            Tim Bosher           *      Museum of Victoria          *
* [log in to unmask]  *  Information Systems Branch      *
*      Phone: +61 3 651 6751      *      Fax: +61 3 651 6180         *