The Stanford University Museum of Art has been reviewing its Native
American baskets for the past two years and is now ready to
deaccession several hundred.  These are baskets in good condition,
predominantly from Northern California and the Southwest, but also
some from the Northwest and from Southern California.  We have a
concentration that is greater than warranted by the research and
teaching goals of the University and the exhibition and storage
space at the Museum.  Our preference is to arrange exchanges with
other museums, keeping groups together where possible in terms of
place of origin or donor.  We are flexible about acceptable works of
art as the basis for exchange, but would certainly welcome works of
Native American art other than baskets.  For further details, please
contact Ruth Franklin, Curator for the Art of Africa, Oceania, and
the Americas, at (415) 725-0471, or via snail mail at Stanford
University Museum of Art, Stanford, CA  94305-5060; or c/o Bernard
Barryte: <[log in to unmask]>.
To:  [log in to unmask]