Since I've been (virtually) away due to technological problems, things
have hotted up somewhat on the email directory front.  Some of you may
recall that I sent an invitation to interested museum-l suscribers earlier
this year to submit an entry to an email directory database that I was
compiling.  I got about 130 replies before the telecommunications gremlin
took me offline for 4 months.  I suspect many more were returned as
undeliverable mail thereafter.  So I present to you the email directory
that contains **ONLY** voluntary entries, and brief biographical details.
The thumbnail sketch that this (albeit small) list provides of each person
cannot be accessed simply by harvesting addresses from listservs. Kathy
Jones-Garmil will be posting it on the MCN gopher soon; stay tuned for
details.  It seems now that it will be overtaken by other larger and more
controversial projects; but I'll continue maintaining the list if user
interest warrants it.
Lawrie Conole                       email: [log in to unmask]
Scienceworks (Museum of Victoria)   ph:         +61 3 392 4832
2 Booker Street                     fax:        +61 3 399 2325
Spotswood, Victoria 3215
AUSTRALIA                           {Lawrence of Australia}