Please post the following announcement. This has been
cross-posted to CAAH, H-Amstdy, H-Ideas, H-Teach, Artifact,
New List Announcement--American Art History
AmArt is a new electronic discussion list devoted to
scholarly and intellectual discussions of topics of
specific interest to historians and scholars of American
Art.  AmArt treats American art, artifacts, architecture
and related topics from the colonial period to the present.
Scholars from other fields with similar interests are welcome.
The list will be available for subscription by mid-September.
Watch the net for a formal announcement.
Susan Luftschein                Andrea Pappas
[log in to unmask]        [log in to unmask]
Art History Department          Art History Department
City University of New York     University of Southern California
List Owner:
Sally Webster
Associate Professor and Chair
Art Department
Lehman College and Graduate Center, City University of New York