I am researching access to the British Museum from 1753 to 1836 for my
dissertation.  The British Museum Act (1753) said that the Museum was for the
public, but it was left to the trustees to determine who the 'public' were.
Although the trustees' original papers and mss. discuss who should be allowed
to enter, I need secondary sources that discuss the term/concept 'public'
(as refers to people) and how it was perceived in 18th and 19th century
Europe, who the 'public' were, etc.  Clearly, the public was not the
populace.  Does anyone know of any monographs or articles that discuss this
term/subject that would be applicable to my research or know someone I could
contact who might be able to help.
Please contact me directly, and if there is enough interest I will summarize
a list.
Derek Cash
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QE1305@UOKMVSA  (BIT net)