Please forgive the inclusion of the whole list for this response.  I used the E
Mail address in the original request by Mariana ([log in to unmask]
but it didn't work.
Here is the response:
The Museum fits one of my areas of interest in life.  I have some friends who
live in Gambell (St. Lawrence Is. - Siberian Yupik).  They have lived their for
many years, speak the language and are very familiar with the culture.  They
might be able to help with some written and/or other materials.  I hope I don't
speak out of turn for them.  You would just have to contact them and see.
They are presently "Outside" so you will have to wait a little while until they
return to Gambell.  Their address is:
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Shinen
Box 139
Gambell, AK 99742
As I said, I don't know for sure that they can help but it would certainly be
worth a try.
Let me know how it turns out.  Feel free to use my name when contacting them.
Gary Eastty
Associate Director, International Museum of Cultures
Dallas, TX
E Mail:  [log in to unmask]
I just noticed the spelling error in the name Jensen, sorry!