Has anybody out there had experience with construction projects that
involved adding an addition onto an existing building.  We will have
such a project underway here over the next few years and we are
especially concerned about the effect of vibrations on collections
on exhibit and in storage.  Our exhibit areas range from single glass
cases to huge, open dioramas and out collection storage areas run the
gamut and include a number of mobile, compact storage installations.
Any advice or suggestions will be much appreciated.  If you send messages
to me directly, I'll summarize and post to the list if there's enough
interest.  Thanks very much.
*  Judy Turner                *  [log in to unmask]  *
*  Milwaukee Public Museum    *  414/278-2730          *
*  800 W. Wells Street        *  fax 414/278-6100      *
*  Milwaukee, WI  53233       *                        *