Photocopy the printout; the dyes used in jet printers will always be
water soluble.  That is the nature of the beast.  Photocopies (from a dry
copier) consist of fused plastic bits melted onto paper.
Jack C. Thompson
Thompson Conservation Lab
Portland, OR
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On Thu, 28 Jul 1994, Laura Phillips wrote:
> I am in search of curation-quality ink for my StyleWriter II printer.
> The ink cartridges that Apple sells are not permanent or waterproof.  The
> ink readily smudges and smears at the slightest touch (my hands are not
> that sweaty!).  Does anyone have any ideas?  I have tried injecting the
> cartridges with fountain pen ink, but the ink dries to fast inside the
> cartridge, and, thus, won't print at all.  HELP!!!
> Thank you,
> Laura Phillips
> Burke Museum
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