> I am seeking information, in regard to a string galvanometer
> electrocardiograph.  It was designed by Charles F. Hindle and
> manufactured by the Cambridge Institute Co., Inc. of Ossining,
> N.Y.  most probably in the late 20's or early 30's.
> Do any of you know if the Cambridge Institute still exists today?
> If so, is the address the same?  I had hoped, using the serial
> number, I could gather more information on this object.
> Should I be seeking another source?
> I would be most appreciative of any information forthcoming.
> Rachelle Blais
> Maine Medical Center Library
> Archives/Museum Section
Did anyone answer this ?  (We've had a technical fault here which puts me
a bit behind the times). If this ecg is a Cambridge Instruments machine
made in this country (UK), then it will have a serial number with a `C'
or `L' prefix. These give date ranges which, in the case of `C' numbers
are to the specific year. A list published by a musem group GSTMC gives
the details. If you give the serial number a date can be supplied.
Tim Boon
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