No one's mentioned the Andersonville Prison Camp yet, in Andersonville, Ga.
There's a haunted museum in Cambridge, England; the Cambridge and County
Folk Museum.  I spent a delightful afternoon with the curator/director
hearing tales of footsteps and knockings, sightings, and mysterious
doings of doors.
On a slightly different angle, does anyone else have to dissuade staff
members from creating ghost stories where there are none to entertain
summer camp participants?  I object when they take place in actual
historical buildings and/or feature actual historical personages that we
are supposed to be telling truths about.  All the Hallowe'en haunted houses
mentioned on this list have been from natural science museums and
children's museums, which wouldn't create such a conflict of interest
(as a historical house or village).
Anyone have any experiences in this line?
 -- Gwendolyn Waldorf
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