Don't mean to sound touchy but the "Provincial Museum in Victoria, B.C."
is actually the Royal British Columbia Museum (the RBCM). It hasn't been
called the Provincial Museum since the late 60s.
The "Oceans" exhibit (which I think also has a different name but I can't
remember what it is) is quite well done, but the comment about the
technical wizardry overshadowing the point is, I think, quite correct. I
remember the "rides" in the "submarine" far more vividly than anything
about the ocean itself. It was also, as far as I could tell, entirely
models and replicas. I was sort of disappointed in that, as I have a
penchant for the "real" thing. I don't know if I am alone in that, nor
whether it is possible to get around that when one is dealing with
organic matter such as fish. Nonetheless, I did enjoy the exhibit the
first time. I found it dull the second and third times.
Eileen Mak
Dept. of History
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