Robbin Murphy writes:
The Director of the Whitney, David Ross, has been posting
promiscuously in the Whitney's ECHO Conference. One of the
threads is called "Museums on the Verge" and Ross has
asked for suggestions about ways that an art museum can
either physically or technologically work on projects
with other, non-art, museums.
Anyone out there have other suggestions?
I belong to a mailing list called COLLAB-L, which is dedicated to using
the Internet as a way for artists who are not located in the same area
to collaborate on theatrical works, animation, music compositions and
dance pieces.
The list is hosted by Penn State, and right now it is
limited to text-based communication. This is adequate for braistorming,
planning, drafting scripts and the like. We have now reached a point
where we need to communicate more visually - with grahpics, drawings,
flowcharts, scores, animation, audio. I am working on a plan to have
my department at NYU host the "multimedia" component of this list so
members can upload and download things at will.
It sounds like Mr. Ross would benefit from the museum-related version
of COLLAB-L....
Any thoughts about extending MUSEM-L into multimedia???
--Susan Jacobson
Interactive Telecommunications Program
New York University Tisch School of the Arts