>If Mr. Dahl has assumed that the Internet climate had changed enough to
>allow advertising of one's services over the net, he is much mistaken.
>I would urge people to actively discourage others from using the
>services of anybody who stoops this low.  This may be a way to make
>yourself famous, but I'd like to think that it's famously unpopular.
>Mr. Dahl, if your name ever comes up in my neck of the woods,(is this a
>pun?/ROD :-) I don't
>think you can expect a positive response here.  Why not do some
>targeted advertising, instead of dumping junk in my mailbox?
>Phillip R. Seitz
>American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
>Alexandria, VA
>Mr. Seitz,
>I assumed that the purpose of this group was to exchange information and take
>>advantage of the experience of all the members of the group. My purpose for
>>joining this group was not to advertise, but to exchange ideas and help each
>other to solve problems.
 >As I had seen others introduce themselves to the group, I thought it
might be >helpful to cite my experience, in case anyone had a question in
one of my more >specific fields. I'm sorry that you find my information
about myself junk. I >would welcome the opportunity to find out about your
experience and perhaps I >might have a question in the future that you
could help me with.
>Perhaps you can forgive my presumption, I'm sorry that I offended you
>R.O. Dahl
May the great worm of enlightenment prosper in the compost pit of your mind.
Robert O. Dahl
Museum Consultant                                       Ph:(602) 797-4752
Interpretive Planning and Design                        Fax: same
8421 N. Via Tioga                                       AOL:[log in to unmask]
Tucson, AZ 85704
internetaddress:[log in to unmask]