For natural scientists there is the Biology Curator (previously the
Journal of Biological Curation).  This is published by the Biology
Curators' Group in the UK; anyone interested in seeing a copy, or
with a paper to offer, should contact me.
This journal was specifically set up to publish papers of interest to
biology curators which it would not be easy to get accepted into
other established journals.  The nearest US equivalent is the SPNHC
journal Collection Forum.
In the UK the Geological Curators' Group also publish a newsletter
and journal called Coprolite.
Bill P.
* Charles (Bill) Pettitt           *     Keeper of Invertebrates     *
*                                  *      (& network supervisor)     *
* E-mail: [log in to unmask]      *     Manchester Museum           *
*                                  *     University of Manchester    *
* Tel: +             *     Manchester  M13 9PL         *
* Fax: +             *     United Kingdom              *