The debate over the changing role of the curator is one that provides a focus
for a number of Cultural Resource Management course, so I thought some of
you might be interested in an immersion course that we're offering in
September here in sunny Victoria:
Significant changes in the roles and functions of museums are reshaping
curatorial practice. While the public demands increased relevance and
accountability, shrinking budgets restrict collections development, research
and exhibition. The curator must face these challenges with new skills in
consultation,teamwork, and management that complement more
traditional expertise in curatorial research and exhibition development.
This eight-day course for museum professionals explores the foundations
of curatorial practice, and addresses the key roles that the curator
plays in the changing museum. Topics include
o redefining museums in the nineties
o the changing roles of curators and collections
o balancing curatorial and other priorities
o philosophies and policies for collecting
o collections and information management
o disciplinary and object oriented research
o communication of research through exhibitions, publications
and other media
o ethical and legal concerns
DATES: September 14 - 23, 1994
INSTRUCTOR: Carol Mayer, Curator of Collections, University of British
Columbia Museum of Anthropology. Carol has extensive curatorial
experience and is just finishing a Ph.D. in museology with the University
of Leicester
FEE: $582.20 (Credit or non-credit; Canadian funds)
We're also offering the following courses as well:
October 3 - 6    oooCaring for Totem Poles
October 26 - 28   ooo Effective Heritage Planning for Communities
October 31 - Nov. 4  ooo Heritage Area Conservation
November 7 - 9    oooCaring for Textile Collections
November 9 - 10    oooExploring the Internet
November 14 - 23   oooPublic Programming
November 30 - December 9   ooo Curatorial Care of Artifacts
December 7 - 9  ooo GIS Uses in Cultural Resource Management
Please let me know if you would like to receive further information or
registration materials!
Joy Davis
Cultural Resource Management Program
University of Victoria
FAx 604-721-8774
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