The following request is being posted to several listservs.  Please forgive
the duplication.
The Gallaudet University Library is developing a proposal regarding the
integration of multimedia into its services.  We would like your input on
how multimedia applications are being used at your institution.  We are
especially interested in library and archival uses of multimedia, but
would also like to know how multimedia is being used in other departments
as well.  We thank you, in advance, for your time.
We are defining multimedia as:  microcomputer-based interactive
programs utilizing a combination of high-resolution graphics
(photographs, drawings, motion pictures, animation, etc.), text, and
audio for entertainment, educational, or informational purposes.
1.  Based on the above definition of multimedia, does your library
or archives have any multimedia applications at this time?  If not, are
you planning to implement any within the next two years?
2.  Which of your multimedia applications are commercially produced,
mass marketed products?  An example of this would be the Grolier
Multimedia Encyclopedia.
3.  Which of your multimedia applications were created specifically for
you?  An example of this would be a guide to your library.
4.  Who can we contact if we would like more information about your
multimedia applications?  Please include name, phone number,
e-mail address, etc.
5.  Which other units (e.g. the biology or English departments, a media
production unit, etc.) either have multimedia applications or would know
more about multimedia applications in your institution?  Who can we
contact about this (names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.)?
Please reply directly to me.  I will summarize for the list, if desired.
Thank you.
Marguerite Glass-Englehart
Photograph Archivist            (202) 651-5588
Gallaudet University            (202) 651-5213 (FAX)
800 Florida Avenue NE           E-mail:  [log in to unmask] or
Washington, DC 20002                     [log in to unmask]