On Tue, 12 Jul 1994, John Chadwick wrote:
> Jackie:
> get museum-l.log9407
> This will get you the July log to date. Beware. This file is LARGE! The
> monthly logs are averaging around 400-500K in size, and these are ASCII
> text files.
To Jackie and anybody else looking for a less space-demanding way of getting
a message that you acidentally erased --
If you ever find yourself in the situation where you are looking for an
item you saw posted on a Listserv yesterday, last week or any other time
since the latest update of the Museum-L archive at the Museum of
Paleontology gopher site, there's a fairly simply way to get the item
again.  Send the series of commands between the cut here lines as an email
message to the Listserv where you read the item. Important: the email
message must be sent to LISTSERV@<LISTSERV address> and the subject line
must be left blank.
<Cut here>--------
//ListSrch JOB Echo=no
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD *
S <topic> in <Listserv name> Since dd-MM-YY
index date.8 sender.30 subject.40
//  EOJ
<cut here>------
Replace <topic> with the word(s) you want to search; you can put full
Boolean logic here, although I've never tried it.  Replace <Listserv name>
with the actual name, for example Museum-L. Replace dd-MM-YY with the date
you want to begin searching from.  Listservs vary in their archiving
capacity, some maintain logs of messages for extended periods, others, like
Museum-L, only maintain several months worth of messages.
You'll receive a listing of all messages from the since date to the most
recent date of archiving which contain the word (s) specified followed
by the text of the messages themselves.
*  Judy Turner                *  [log in to unmask]  *
*  Milwaukee Public Museum    *  414/278-2730          *
*  800 W. Wells Street        *  fax 414/278-6100      *
*  Milwaukee, WI  53233       *                        *