On Mon, 11 Jul 1994, Ann Mintz wrote:
> And then of course there's the famous footage of Galloping Gertie, the
> Tacoma Narrows Bridge, as it shook itself to pieces.  I don't know where
> to get it, but it's a classic..
If you're interested in Galloping Gertie, a textbook case of destruction
by oscillation, contact Don Bartholomew, Educational Media Collection,
DG-10, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195; 206.543.9907; e-mail
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Richard H. Engeman
Photographs and Graphics Librarian
Special Collections and Preservation Division
Allen Library, FM-25         ........................................
University of Washington     : "'You brute!' hissed the countess."  :
Seattle, Washington 98l95    :    from _Graustark_, by George Barr  :
phone 206-543-1929           :    McCutcheon, 1901                  :
fax 206-685-8049             :.......................................