Hello all -
        I've been saddled with the task of developing memoranda of
agreement/understanding between our museum (the University of Alaska
Museum) and state and federal agencies for deposit of archaeological
collections in our facility. This has been done in the past on an ad hoc
        What I need to know specifically is how other institutions have
approached these arrangements with regard to curatorial fees. We have
not charged such fees in the past (believe it or not!) and I must find a way
to facilitate transfer of funds from state and federal agencies to our
institution as part of the University of Alaska. Also I need some
guidelines as to how such charges are figured at other institutions (by
square footage, by collection, in perpetuity, on a yearly basis...?) and how
Federal agencies have dealt with curatorial charges from the designated
archaeological repository.
        On the one hand, we have a unique opportunity in starting from
scratch. On the other hand, our bureaucracy doesn't seem to be able to
handle the intricacies of inter-agency relationships.
        Any help would be greatly appreciated!
        Michael A. Lewis
        University of Alaska Museum
        Fairbanks, Alaska
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