> Michael,
> I assume your message was aimed at me, so I'll take it -- yes, the DMA has
> a Gopher project that provides about 25 standard VGA resoulution images
> free for personal educational use on the Internet.  We are ever mindful of
> copyright issues, so each image has been marked with a visible copyright
> notice, and none of the images exceeds 640x480x256 resolution, so they are
> fine to look at on the screen, but won't print out well on hard copy.  I
> am enclosing a brief information file about the project for your reference.
> regards,
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Kevin J. Comerford                      |   internet: [log in to unmask]
> Visual Resource Librarian /             |
> Director of Information Technology      |
> Dallas Museum of Art                    | compuserve: 71233,2412
> 1717 North Harwood                      |      voice: 214-922-1281
> Dallas, TX 75201                        |        fax: 214-954-0174
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Dear Art Enthusiast,
> Thank you for your interest in the Dallas Museum of Art Internet Public
> Access Project.  The following information file details how you can access
> the DMA's virtual museum on the Internet, and download museum information
> and digital images for personal use.
> regards,
> Kevin Comerford
> Dallas Museum of Art
> [log in to unmask]
> ============================================================================
> Contents: 1) telnetting to DMA 2) downloading files 3) Viewing GIF files
> 4) ftp access is coming!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1) Telnetting to DMA: The DMA Internet project resides on the University
> of North Texas gopher server at "gopher.unt.edu." (Login as 'gopher' --no
> password is required).  Look for the DMA under main menu option 5:
> "Denton, Dallas and Fort Worth Information Resources." (Numerous other
> gopher servers also point to the DMA -- look for the project under typical
> subject headings like _Art_, _Fine Art_, _Museums_, and _Exhibitions_.) A
> number of problems have been reported telnetting to the UNT gopher
> directly from the prompt.  I have this difficulty myself, and the UNT
> people can't explain it, but are investigating (if you know why, let me
> know, please!).  Difficulties have been reported in that a) your telnet
> connection times out without giving you a login prompt, b) you can connect
> to the gopher, but the server won't acknowledge the 'gopher' login as a
> public account, or c) logging onto gopher works, however the terminal
> locks up when trying to use it.
> Most users have found that by first connecting to a gopher server or other
> host local to their system, and then following the menu options which
> allow them to connect to the University of North Texas gopher, the telnet
> and login difficulties disappear.  Gopher access to other gophers seems to
> work best.  Host access to other gophers works almost as well.
> If your terminal acts strangely while using gopher, check to make sure your
> communications software is emulating a vt100 terminal.
> 2) General Downloading Problems: Downloading problems have included a)
> unable to invoke the download sequence on gopher, b) error messages when
> the download sequence is started, and then the download process is
> aborted.
> Again, first try connecting to the gopher via another gopher or a local
> host system, Then try downloading again.  Also, make sure you are using
> the following download procedure: highlight the file you wish to retrieve
> by moving the arrow pointer to the appropriate line (use the keyboard
> arrow keys to move the arrow up or down).  Then simply press the <shift>-D
> key sequence to open the download menu.
> 3) Viewing GIF Files: All GIF images in the galleries section of the
> gopher can be distinguished by the file type indicator '<picture>.'  For
> ease of reference, I have used extended text names to indicate the
> contents of the files.  Thus, when you download them, the gopher system
> will give you a 'garbage' name, which might look like anything from
> "Aztec-Xi" to "GOPHER00."  Before you can view the file, you generally
> must rename it to include a '.GIF' file extension.  To do this on your
> IBM/PC DOS machine, simply use the COPY command, like so:
>     'copy/b <garbage file name> <new file name>.GIF
> 4) FTP Access is coming!  If all else fails, or if you do not have the
> capabilites to telnet to our gopher, just be patient!  The UNT systems
> people have just agreed to make the DMA material available via ftp access.
>  This will probably take a few weeks to implement at minimum, and I will
> broadcast another announcement on the 'net to let everyone know when it is
> up and running.  Good things come to those who wait.
> Finally, if this Internet stuff is still too wearing on you, send me a
> couple of diskettes and $2.00 (service fee, postage and handling) and I will
> mail you a set of images of your very own (please do this as a last resort).
> Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.  Those of you with Compuserve Accounts can
> also obtain images from the Fineart Forum on CIS.
> ==============================================================================
> Kevin J. Comerford                      |   internet: [log in to unmask]
> Director of Information Technology      |
> Dallas Museum of Art                    | compuserve: 71233,2412
> 1717 North Harwood                      |      voice: 214-922-1281
> Dallas, TX 75201                        |        fax: 214-954-0174
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 8 Jul 1994, Michael Danoff wrote:
> > I would appreicate your taking a moment to let me make sure I understand.
> > You have digitalized images of your collection to which you allow free
> > access on the Internet?  Do you have copyright concerns?  Many thanks.