On the access to information thread: CIMI Members too are very interested
in access to museum information and we would gladly participate in an AAM
In our Project CHIO - Cultural Hertitage information Online - we are
looking at both the technical issues involved in developing federated
online multiple media information as well as the implementation, resource,
and organizational change aspects museums will face in making information
available in digital form whether that be by internet, other digital
networks, kiosks, distributed databases and client/servers, or digital
Others with good experiences to hear about would be: Research Libraries
Group (RLG) is examining the access, intellectual control and resource
implications for large scale image cataloging projects (Digital Image
Access Project, contact Patti McClung [log in to unmask]; NMAA already
mentioned in this thread but who are doing other interesting things besides
AOL (contact Steve Dietz [log in to unmask]); the Canadian Museum of
Civilization who are investigating the re-engineering of museum activity in
the digital age (Project DIGIMUSE, contact [log in to unmask] a
description of this written by George MacDonald was posted recently on this
list), and the RAMA Consortium, a group of 13 European museums and telecoms
who have a ISDN-based network connecting their museums capable of
information retrieval as well as images and full motion video (contact
Dominique Delouis, [log in to unmask]).