Dear Subscribers, (cross-posted to Museum-L, Arch-L and Heritage-L)
As part of a research project for the Department of Archaeology at the
Universtiy of York, I was asked to design a relational database for
archaeological wet-wood.  The relational database design has 11 different
files which essentially are linked together via the timber number.  These
files have been labeled Chopping Tools, Sawing Tools, Joint, Fixing, etc.
Contained in each of these files are varied and sundry fields (created by
me) which ask questions pertianent to that file.  As you might imagine,
this part of the design was reasonably straight forward.  However with any
database, one of the biggest difficulties to overcome is the
standarisation of answers.  Here in England, as far as I know, there are
no "standard" questions or answers for archaeological wet-wood recording.
I have been in contact with several museum standards orgainisations, but
have found little information regarding archaeological wet-woods. The
upshot of all this is: does anyone in the greater archaeological world
community know of any organisation or group which is currently working on
the standarisation of archaeological wet-wood recording and data
Any information regarding this problem would be greatly appreciated.  I
have cross-posted this message on Museum-L, Heritage-L and Arch-L.  My
apologies for any inconvience to the multiple subscribers on these lists.
Thank you for your time in advance.
Brent Gabby BSc MA
Department of Archaeology
University of York
Micklegate House
York YO1 1JZ
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