However, rumor has it, the Disney Corporation is quietly buying up land in
the Mansfield, Ohio, area for further development.  Does anyone know anything
about this?
At  7:42 PM 5/19/94 -0500, Carolyn wrote:
>MORE ON DISNEY'S AMERICA THEME PARK --sorry it's a little old.  The National
>Trust for Historic Preservation ran a full-page ad in the May 2 Washington
>Post asking Disney not to site the park in the Haymarket, VA area.
>--Carolyn Brady ([log in to unmask])
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Wasn't Mickey serving on General Lee's staff.
> ----------
>From: owner-h-civwar
>To: Multiple recipients of list H-CIVWAR
>Subject: NEWS: Historians vs. Disney?
>Date: Tuesday, May 17, 1994 11:03AM
>From: H-Civwar Co-moderator Peter Knupfer:
>"Historians Declare War on Disney Theme Park," by Mike Feinsilber, AP
>correspondent, adapted from _Topeka Capital-Journal_, Thursday May 12, 1994:
>David McCullough, president of the Society of American Historians, has begun
>a campaign to prevent the Walt Disney Co. from building a Civil War theme
>park near Manassas Battlefield in Virginia.  At a press conference,
>McCullough charged Disney with mounting a "blitzkrieg," a "sacrilege" that
>would create "synthetic history by destroying real history."  According to
>Feinsilber, McCullough claimed that no historian supports Disney's plans who
>"is not on the payroll of the Disney company in one way or another."  The
>article indicates that Eric Foner and James Oliver Horton have been hired by
>Disney as consultants.
>McCullough announced the creation of Project Historic America, a group of 30
>historians and writers (including Shelby Foote, James McPherson, C. Vann
>Woodward, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.) that would try to persuade Disney to
>go elsewhere.  The park would be constructed on farmland 35 miles west of
>Washington, a few miles from the battlefield.  According to Feinsilber:
>"McCullough said Disney's park would generate urban sprawl, ruining the
>countryside that George Washington surveyed and endangering 16 Civil War
>battlefields within an hour's drive.  'Would we allow the construction of an
>amusement park at Normandy Beach?' he asked.  'In the name of jobs, would we
>make splinters of Mount Vernon?'"
>Virginia Gov. George Allen defended Disney's plans, arguing that history is
>one of the best ways to attract tourists.  The state legislature has
>appropriated $160 million toward the project.  The article contains no
>comments from the Disney organization.
>Any comments from H-CivWarriors on this?
-                                                                        -
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