From:   PO1::"[log in to unmask]" "Folklore Discussion List"
 10-MAY-1994 17:35:16.28
To:     Multiple recipients of list FOLKLORE <[log in to unmask]>
Subj:   Re: Lucky mushrooms?
The red mushrooms with white spots are about THE most common symbol of
happiness or lucky in German culture; everyone understands such
mushrooms to be a symbol of happiness and of good luck, as are also,
incidentally, pigs and chimney sweeps.  In fact, if someone is really
happy (gluecklich), s/he will often be referred to as "du Glueckspilz"
[you happy/lucky mushroom].
Glueck in German refers both to luck and happiness; I have it on good
authority that the "Fliegenpilz" (so called) emphasizes the luck
FYI, EVERYBODY in German-speaking territory knows that Fliegenpilze
are VERY VERY poisonous.  (Read the label and use as directed: only
brings luck in iconography!)
I bet Regina knows more ...