Don't forget that even with the purest of intentions, scientists are
human, and harbor all sorts of beliefs and prejudices that may well be
expressed in the direction or results of their work.
At the same time, it is entirely possible for research to be funded by
institutions with their own historical agendas, and for work to be
used to support or further those agendas, despite the intentions of the
scientists doing the work.
And, finally, it is also possible (if not likely) for research results
to be distorted by simplification or even misinterpreted completely in
the process of communicating them to the general public.
    Some days you wake and immediately start worrying.  Nothing in
    particular is wrong, it's just the suspicion that forces are
    aligning quietly and there will be trouble.    -- Jenny Holzer
    T.S. Davies         [log in to unmask]                SHC, DS