I've compiled a little 8-page booklet called "Artifacts in the Classroom"
which I make available free to teachers. It pulls together information
from a number of resources, especially Schlereth's books on using
artifacts. It explains how a classroom teacher can run an "artifact lab"
in the classroom and how to guide students in using artifacts as historical/
cultural resources. If people are interested in it, I can either mail
one out on request, or possibly make the computer file available. It's
formatted as a Pagemaker 5 file. I'm also in the middle of setting up
a new BBS for interdisciplinary studies (IDEA) which will be up and
running by June. "Artifacts in the Classroom" will be posted as a
downloadable file on that system. After June 1 try telneting to
idea.uml.edu or gopher to the UMass Lowell gopher where you'll also
find IDEA.
Ed Pershey
Tsongas Industrial History Center
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(508) 970-5080  fax 970-5085