Good Morning,
Last week I asked for information about the effect of a four 10-hour day
work week.  This is a summary of the replies.
Thirteen people kindly sent me some comments.  No one cited any formal studies,
all replies were anecdotal.  Six posters favored (at least for themselves) the
10-hour day, four replies were basically opposed, and three replies offered
considerations rather than taking either a positive or negative stand.
Among the interesting comments were:
1) necessary climate control for the collection, computers, etc. would tend
to reduce the dollar savings realized
2) workers with fixed schedules (kids to pick up, college classes, etc.) could
not be as flexible, but even those without such problems would at least
occasionally find it difficult to attend cultural and sporting events in the
3) closing one institution on a given day might (will) send its clients to
another institution providing basically the same service on at least that day
4) the phone rings a lot less frequently before 8 and after 5, so you can
work with fewer interruptions
My sincere thanks to all who responded.
David Haynes, Institute of Texan Cultures, PO Box 1226, San Antonio TX 78294
Voice: 210/558-2248, FAX: 210/558-2218, InterNet: [log in to unmask]