> Jim Croft writes:
> Any chance of getting these specifications [the ICOM-CIDOC data model]
> on a gopher or ftp server or similar?  Tracking down paper is a real pain...
> > Nevertheless, it follows the structure of what you've been doing with
> > LASSI and others have done in developing data structures.
> and these?
> The more models and database designs that are out there on the network,
> the less wheels muesum peole will have to reinvent...
I agree it would be a good thing to share models as far as possible. The
CIDOC model has a lot of pages of text (127 "Logical data groups" = entities
and 281 "Logical data elements" = attributes) at 1 per page in a thick ring
binder with introduction, diagram and indexes. I'm not sure who holds the
master or whether it is in a form which could be made available by ftp -
perhaps Jim Blackaby will know; if not I'll ask some of the people on the
CIDOC Working Group.
The LASSI work is at a very early stage; as it is being done for a
consortium of museums under contract it is up to them how and when they
make anything more widely available, but I am sure they are aware of
the interest.
Does anyone know of any other data models?
Leonard Will                                Tel: +44 81 366 7386
Information Management Consultant           Fax: +44 81 366 0916
27 Calshot Way, ENFIELD, Middlesex          Email: [log in to unmask]
EN2 7BQ, United Kingdom