Probably a better place to query for your coptic question is the early
music list (Earlym-l).  Subscribe in the usual way to:
[log in to unmask]
the address of the list itself is:
[log in to unmask]
There are many early music experts and performers on this list from
around the world.  The list is based in Germany.
(Former early music performance major)
Loren C. Pigniolo                                 | voice/fax: 415/665-1827
Photographic Preservation Specialist              | voice: 800/484-9808 x7841
Photographic Preservation Services                | i/net: [log in to unmask]
1044 Judah Street #1 San Francisco, CA 94122-2052 | Please call before faxing
Documents on photographic preservation and a list of our services are
available via anonymous ftp to in the directory pub/PPS-info
On Thu, 7 Apr 1994, semie rogers [log in to unmask] wrote:
>       May I suggest you ask the classics list--the address is:
>       [log in to unmask]
>       They know everything (the Sybil of the net), and there's been
>       a lot of discussion of ancient music recordings of late.
> Semie Rogers