I've a question re:  the use of volunteers relative to the Fair
Labor Standards Act.  We have received alot of verbage recently
on the subject from our personnel office -- one comment has
been that an individual is not allowed to volunteer on a job
for which he/she was previously paid.  Translated, this means
that someone who has been employed on temporary funds (e.g.,
IMS grant) can not continue to work in the same capacity, but
as a volunteer, once the funds have run out --
At least this is how it has been presented to us.  Is this the
case?  Comments?  suggestions?
Paisley S. Cato, Ph.D.                          e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Curator of Collections                          phone:  703-666-8634
Virginia Museum of Natural History              fax:    703-632-6487
1001 Douglas Ave.
Martinsville, VA 24112