Date sent:  5-MAR-1994
I remember seeing a post on museum-l re:a $500 support grant for folks
interested in multicultural/ diversity issues who want to attend the AAM
conference. I thought I had saved it (for a co-worker who is not yet online)
but have been unable to find that post. The distressing part is that I remember
that the application was due *monday* (by fax or mail). DId anyone save it? The
person who posted it, can you repost it asap? My co-worker is going to contact
me tomorrow and is hoping to dash off a fax to the appropriate body. I was sure
I had it and offered the information to her as soon as I could get home and
print it up. I seem to be in a bit of a bind. :>
Many thanks in advance,
Craig M. Rosa                                        Home Phone: (718) 834-6894
Email: [log in to unmask]                       BCM Phone: (718) 735-4432
M.A. student, Performance Studies/Museum Studies, NYU                 ,^^^^^^^^
PT Greenhouse Instructor, The Brooklyn Children's Museum     ,^^^^^^^^