On Fri, 25 Mar 1994, Joanne M Sanfilippo wrote:
> Hi-
> To subscribe to Museum-L send a message to [log in to unmask] that has
> no subject and in the text says only SUB MUSEUM-L FRANK D. PREUSSER
> I wish there was an architectural conservation list.
I do too...
Arnbjoern O. Laerdal                        email: [log in to unmask]
architect + computing consultant                   [log in to unmask]
Arkitekthoegskolen i Oslo / The Oslo School of Architecture
visit    : St. Olavsgt. 4, 0130 Oslo
snailmail: P.O.Box 6768, St. Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norway
work tel.: +47-22208316, fax : +47-22111970
private  : Blaabaerstien 21 h, N-1450 Nesoddtangen  (tel.: +47-66910845)