Vendors will happily supply you with their customer lists for
references. Some are even tracking e-mail addresses for their users.  The
contact information for the vendors should be in Cibbarelli's latest
(93).  There's another source at a federal ftp site, if you'd like that
address, let me know. Pond scum though they be, they want you to know
where they're up and running, (site visits are part of the selection
On Mon, 21 Mar 1994, Museum of Science and Industry wrote:
> I am researching computer cataloguing systems and was wondering if anyone
> had any advice regarding either Minaret or GENCAT?  Do you have
> experience with either system?  Did you try to hook up an imaging
> component?  How did that work?  What is the vendor support like for
> either one?  Are both systems truly MARC-based?  I would appreciate any
> input you could give.  Thanks.
> Laura Graedel
> Archivist
> Museum of Science and Industry
> Chicago
> [log in to unmask]