Does one exist already?
If not I'm interested in compiling one.  If you would like to be
included, please email the following:
1.  Your full name (include gender/academic titles if you like)
2.  Your position name/type
3.  Your area of professional interest/expertise
4.  Institution/department/section name
5.  Email address
6.  Snail-mail address
Depending on response, interest and workload, I expect that I can make the
response available by email (ASCII or MIME file) at a future date of my
choosing  :-7
*       Lawrie Conole              *              Scienceworks        *
*    Voice +61 3 392 4832          *           Museum of Victoria     *
*     Fax +61 3 391 0100           *             2 Booker Street      *
* [log in to unmask]   *    SPOTSWOOD 3015 VIC. AUSTRALIA *