I've been asked to forward this for the general FYI of the group.
Karen J. Kroslowitz                     phone: 808-848-4118
Natural Sciences, Malacology            fax:   808-841-8968
Bernice P. Bishop Museum                [log in to unmask]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 13:22:18 +22305714 (HST)
From: Scott Miller <[log in to unmask]>
To: Karen Kroslowitz <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Conservation of Natural Science Collections Report (fwd)
You might forward this to MUSEUM-L if it hasn't been there yet...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
              NIC Releases Report About Preservation
     The National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property
(NIC) announces the release of Preserving Natural Science Collections:
Chronicle of Our Environmental Heritage (by W. Donald Duckworth, Hugh H.
Genoways, and Carolyn L. Rose).  This report culminates more than two
years' work by NIC's Conservation and Preservation of Natural Science
Collections project.
     The report asks collecting institutions to educate the public about
the uses of natural science collections and the importance of preserving
them.  The report recommends the creation of a natural science
conservation training program, suggests curricula, and lists topics for
conservation research and technology transfer.
     The publication is available for handling and air mail shipping
charges: USA: US $8.00; Canada and Mexico: US $9.00; all other countries:
US $16.00.  To order or receive a list of the 20 summary reports, contact:
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 3299 K St.
NW, Suite 403, Washington, DC 20007, USA.