Paisley S. Cato wrote:
>What is the organizational structure at NYU that will be
>responsible for the collections?  a museum structure?
>department? and at what level within the university hierarchy
>(answering to a dean? provost? president?)
Not a word in the NY Times again this morning about the N-YHS.
This is from the the 3/15/94 article:
Authority over the collections would revert to the dean of the
New York University Libraries, Carlton C. Rochell. Rochell
would become the "chief executive officer" of the society's library
and function as an ex officio member of the society's board. The
society would continue to pay the university $100,000 a year to
oversee the day-to-day operation of its library. Major
recataloguing of the holdings would be done under a $1.5
million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which would be
given to the university contingent upon the successful
negotiation of a contract between the society and NYU.
The society has received neither a promised $6.3 million infusion of
state money nor a projected $350,000 from the trustees.
Again, this sounds like a ploy by the society to get some promised
action from the government -- sort of like threatening to shoot the
family dog. NYU has tended, in the past, to act like the proverbial
800-pound gorilla in dealing with the city: what do you do with an
800-pound gorilla? Anything it wants. --RM
Robbin Murphy
NYU/Museum Studies
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(And a glorious St. Patrick's Day to all! Wind chill is 9 degrees in