Though I live in NY, I rarely buy newspapers or read them, except for a
brief pass over the headlines when waiting for the subway.  It's one of the
sacrifices of being busy, I guess.  But, for this reason I really
appreciate your capsules from the Times, particularly your sense of humor
in the stories you sometimes pick (i.e. the Komar & Melamid piece, etc.).
I say keep on, as long as you have the time for it.  I think I would pay
for such a service, but how much would one be able to charge when the paper
could be had for 30-50 cents?  Your expansion into the NYO today adds to
the value of the resource you provide, as would any expansion into TofC's
and other summaries from journals, etc.
I would be particularly interested in topics relating to the History of
Photography and digital archiving of photographs (if you could find
anything along that line).  Thanks a whole bunch!!
Are you really a he?!