I've been asked by a print dealer and my local clients
to compile a resource list on William Adolfe Bougereau...
essentially what we're looking for is a list of museums
in the U.S. and Europe where his works are currently hanging,
sources of prints of his paintings outside normal wholesale
sources, and sources of exhibition catalogues etc.
I am not a museum professional so I hope this is not too
far out of line, I am trying to set up some (non-profit)
guides for people. If anyone knows of a better place to find
these kind of resources, please let me know. (Or tell me to buzz off
and stop wasting your valuable time, and I'll go back to
(Wouldn't that be
wonderful? A telnet or gopher or WWW access point on the Internet
where John Q. Public could enter in the name of his
favorite artist and plan his museum visits, know what books and
print sources are available etc.? Ah I AM a dreamer!)
I realize that he may not be the most popular artist in
certain quarters but here locally he is a "hot item", the poor
dealer simply can't keep his prints in stock, and there is
a paucity of available materials. Any help would be sincerely
appreciated... please e-mail responses to [log in to unmask] so
as to avoid wasting valuable bandwidth.
While I'm at it I should apologize for a long posting I made
inadvertantly on oral history, meant to e-mail it and punched
the wrong key. So Sorry! So please do as I say and not as I do!
E-mail responses! Thanks!
                  "Virgo prudentissima quae progrederis
                       quasi aurora valde rutilans,
                  Filia Sion, tota formosa et suavis es,
                     pulchra ut luna, electa ut sol."
Arthur Brett Breitwieser, C.H.T.                         ([log in to unmask])
Director, The Hermes Hypnotherapy Project
Curate, The Sanctuary of the Soul (The American Fellowship Church)