>Good Morning,
>Pardon me for using this list to try to find another list, but I haven't
>been able to find either a list or a news group specific to archives
>and archivists (in the non-computer sense, of course).  I'm trying to
>David    [log in to unmask]
Is archives@indycms still running?  Send your subscription request to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
BTW, if you send the request
list global /(search)
substituting a search term for "(search)" to a listserv site, e.g.
[log in to unmask], the listserv will search for that search term in
the name and short description of the list of lists -- list global /archiv
should pull up [log in to unmask]  Assuming it's still active.
DO NOT JUST SEND THE WORDS "LIST GLOBAL" -- the listserv will send you the
*entire* list of lists if you do, and it's ... rather ... largish.  To say
the least.
Mario Rups
[log in to unmask]