2009 Katherine Coffey Award Announced

I am pleased to share the news about the Katherine Coffey Award, MAAM’s most prestigious award.  The 2009 award recipient is:

Dr. Gretchen Sullivan Sorin

Dr. Sorin embodies so many of the attributes that set Katherine Coffey apart from her peers through her commitment to excellence, community outreach and public education.  Beyond her many accomplishments throughout her tenure is her Directorship of the Cooperstown Graduate Program which is providing a lasting contribution to the field through the many alumni who have passed through its doors and through her leadership and education.

All of us at the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums send out our sincere congratulations to Dr. Sorin.

The formal presentation of the 2009 Katherine Coffey Award and reception will take place at the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, Tuesday, October 20 at 5:30 PM in conjunction with the MAAM 2009 Annual Conference in Saratoga Springs.

There is still time to take advantage of the early-bird savings before the September 15, 2009 deadline. Register today and join us in celebrating Dr. Sorin's accomplishments!

Dana Allen-Greil
Board of Directors
Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums
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