Canadian Art Gallery Educators 2007 Symposium

New Content, New Approaches, New Teaching...New Learners?

May 26 – 29, 2007
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

TO REGISTER, download the registration form from our website:

The role of the educator in art galleries is changing! New demands for a 
more targeted approach that meets the needs of a diverse gallery-going 
public is an exciting challenge that takes us into unfamiliar territories.

Tours, talks and lectures, the ‘bread and butter’ of educational programming 
are based on long-held assumptions about how people learn. What roles can we 
play in the learning process? Do children learn in the same ways that adults 
learn? Have new technologies changed the way we think and learn How can an 
examination of learning inform our practices?

Symposium Agenda

Saturday, May 26
Location: Sheraton Hamilton, 116 King Street West

5:30 – 6:00 pm	Welcome! Registration

6:00 – 9:00 pm	Dinner...Discovery...Discussion

Please bring with you a maximum of 3 images (photographs, prints - no slides 
please) that reflect what learning in a Gallery means to you. Be ready to 
share these with colleagues.

Sunday, May 27
Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 123 King Street West

Please bring brochures, posters, and information about your gallery/museum 
and programs for information table.

8:30 – 9:00 am	Registration

9:00 – 10:30 am	New Learners? Has new technology changed the ways in which 
gallery visitors learn? What implication does this have for gallery 

Keynote Panel:
Dr. Mark Morton, Teaching and Technology Specialist, The Centre for Teaching 
Excellence, University of Waterloo

Dr. Barbara Soren, Independent Consultant, Program Coordinator of Museum 
Studies, Faculty of Information Studies and Coordinator of the Knowledge 
Media Design Collaborative Program, University of Toronto

10:30 – 11:00 am	Break

11:00 – 12:00 pm	Discussion groups and feedback on panel session

12:00 – 1:30 pm	Lunch at Café at AGH

1:30 – 3:00 pm	Conversations: New Approaches in the Gallery

An open conversation between speakers and symposium participants focusing on 
New Approaches.

Christine Castle, Museum Consultant and Educator
Renée Wetselaar, Workers Arts & Heritage (Community Arts)
Tiffanie Ting, Director of Public Programs, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery

3:00 – 3:30 pm	Break

3:30 – 4:30 pm	Tour of Art Gallery of Hamilton

Evening		Dinner on your own

Monday, May 28
Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 123 King Street West

9:00 – 9:15 am	Business/Announcements

9:15 – 10:15 am	CASE Study 1 and discussion

10:15 – 10:45 am	Break

10:45 – 11:45 am	CASE Study 2 and discussion

11:45 – 1:15 pm	Lunch at local restaurants

1:30 – 3:00 pm	Wired and Wonderful: New Technology for Gallery Educators

Brian Porter, Senior Director of New Media Resources, Royal Ontario Museum
Lise Hosein, Freelance writer and curator, Art Gallery of York University

3:00 – 3:30 pm	Break

3:30 – 5:00 pm	CAGE AGM and planning session

7:00 pm		Hamilton Educators (HAM-ED)*** extend an invitation to CAGE 
delegates for a night of food, drink and discussion. (optional)

Where: Downtown Hamilton Restaurant TBA

Tuesday, May 29 (optional)

Visits to local art spaces/organizations. Locations to be announced.

***HAM-ED, the Hamilton and Area Museums Educators Group, is an ad hoc 
association of about 50 museum/gallery workers living and/or working in the 
vicinity of Hamilton, Ontario. We tackle current issues in museum education 
& interpretation. We meet informally after-hours, usually in some kind of 
social setting like a restaurant or pub. For a better idea of who we are and 
current discussions, visit our blog at

Complementing the CAGE Symposium theme of "New Content, New Approaches, New 
Teaching...New Learners?", the evening’s topic will be "Non-traditional 
Activities and Interpretation". Conversation at this meeting will be casual 
and a suggested reading accompanies the discussion topic, but is not a must 

*Do visitors use your site in unanticipated or non-traditional ways?
*Are there 'teachable moments' we can introduce to nevertheless deliver our 
message to these site users?
*One national battlefield in South Carolina found the overwhelming primary 
reason for visiting was for jogging and exercise. Ideas were proposed for 
merging education and exercise, such as offering battle-themed fitness 
events (military drills, cavalry manoeuvres), or painting a timeline along 
the trail that listed important dates before and after the battle.
*Are there non-preferred activities on your site?
*What motivates this visitor behaviour?
*Could you create experiences for this audience that would address the 
motivation while getting your messages across?
*What impact would this have on audience development?

"Nontraditional Activities and Interpretation at National Parks: Conflict or 
Coexistence?" Dr. Mark Morgan, Journal of Interpretation Research, 10(2) 

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