Hello everyone,

Like Dawn, who posted on Friday, I am doing an assignment for the same 
collections management class where we were given a hypothetical situation 
that we have to decide on our best course of action.  My situation involves 
a long-term loan with no paperwork.  The lender is known and a descendant 
has attempted in the past to claim the object, who has since "gone missing" 
in recent years.  To complicate the issue further, the Board of Trustees 
believes the object is owned by another organization, who is loaning the 
object, not this descendant.  Since there is a lack of paperwork to 
accompany the loan, one can't be sure of ownership.  My approach is going to 
be to search for the descendant in order to make contact with him or her and 
determine clear title.  In general, I was wondering what would be your best 
course of action but mainly, what advice could you all offer as to how to 
deal with the Board?

Thank you all for your help, in advance.  I posted here last semester with a 
question for an assignment and all of your answers were extremely helpful.  
Have a great week,

Stephanie Rohwer
student of Tufts University Museum Studies Program

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