*Apologies for cross-postings.

Dear art gallery and museum educators,

The Canadian Art Gallery/Art Museum Educators (CAGE) is a non-profit 
association of educators from art galleries and museums across Canada.  
After developing and launching the official CAGE website in 2006 
(http://www.cageart.ca), we are now busy planning for the 2007 CAGE 
Symposium, to be held May 26 - 29, 2007 at the Art Gallery of Hamilton in 
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and we hope to see you there!  This year's 
symposium is titled "New Content, New Approaches, New Teaching...New 
Learners?" and will focus on the changing role of the educator in art 
galleries.  Please download the registration form with accommodation 
information in either Word or PDF format from the CAGE website at 

We strongly encourage you to take out or renew your CAGE membership to 
receive the full benefits of membership such as a reduced symposium 
registration rate.  To learn more about the benefits of membership, please 
go to http://www.cageart.ca/membership.html

If you have any questions about CAGE, please contact the appropriate member 
of the CAGE Executive and we will be happy to help.  Our contact information 
can be found at http://www.cageart.ca/contact.html

We know your network extends to many gallery educators who may not be 
members and we hope you will spread the word and send the symposium notice 
to those on your contact list.  Thank you.

See you in May,
CAGE Executive

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If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).