Hello Colleagues,


Please forgive the cross-posting.  My institution is sorting through our archived records and would like to access information from our now-defunct old database, J.R. Blackaby’s Museum System.  The database was copied onto CDs back in 1997 but no one thought to print a hard copy of the records (kinda short-sighted) and now we are unable to locate even a copy of the software to open the disks.  Thus, our records are being held hostage.    


A google search of the program has not yielded any helpful information.  Help!  Does anyone currently (or in the past) used this program or know how to get in contact with Mr. Blackaby?  Any advice is greatly appreciated. 



I just phoned The Museum System (TMS) to find out if they are affiliated in any way and unfortunately, they are not. 





Ms.Erin McKeen

Associate Registrar

The Wolfsonian–Florida International University

Miami Beach, Florida

(305) 535-2678 (phone) ; (305) 531-2133 (fax)

E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

Website: http://www.wolfsonian.fiu.edu/


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