Yes, I vote for flying the real thing, while providing the security and environmental protections 
necessary. Always strive to eschew bogosity, I always say -- unless you absolutely cannot afford 
otherwise. ;-)

Two cents worth of cautions, when needing reproductions/copies of any original 2-D works, big/
small, in any/all media:

1) Don't forget you might have a pretty good "digital scanner" already, that can deal with *any size 
original image* and may save you from spending oodles at a copier place plus risking your piece 
due to handling/transit/whatever. 

Use your digital camera. For basic image reductions (brochures, ads, web uses, etc.) you can take 
a suitable picture yourself. 

For same-size copies or enlargements (posters, t-shirts, overhead projections, umbrellas, 
environments) -- after you've snapped it yourself using a tripod, the camera's highest resolution, 
most dpi, largest file size, and/or most hair gel allowed by your device -- print some simple tests 
(from your own digital shot) to reveal how big a print you can make and still look acceptable for 
your purpose. A digital camera with manual controls allowing long exposures, letting you keep 
light levels low and minimizing photo degr. Which brings up the next consideration:

2) Scanners of all kinds use a very bright light, sometimes lingering awhile, directly on the image a 
fraction of an inch away, with only a sheet of non-filtering glass in between. Scanners give a hard 
photon hit to your image.

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