Re: Ways to determine the success of a museum program or exhibit...

I agree with other responders that to evaluate a program or exhibit it's useful to spend time determining what your definition of "success" is.  Additionally, it's important to determine whether you're looking for quantitative or qualitative success indicators: #s of visitors who view exhibit or participate in program vs. the reaction of those who view or participate (did they have a positive or negative experience).  If you can, I'd strive to measure both as both offer insights into determining success.  Having said that, the suggestions others have posted are terrific.  Obviously counting sheer numbers through the gate will tell you something.  Exit surveys, while cumbersome and sometimes tedious, will reveal much and you can tailor them to address very specific things.  For one time only events or programs you can implore participants to complete evaluation forms and perhaps even offer an incentive prize.  You might post an evaluation form on your website as well and invite folks to complete it later though this can sometimes present some technology issues (fillable Adobe form?  "Click and send" capability,etc.).  You can track hits on your website to pages devoted to the exhibit or program in question.  You can literally record the amount of time each visitor spends looking at the exhibit by posting yourself or another staff member unobtrusively in/near the exhibit with a stopwatch and clipboard.  You can record anecdotal comments here as well.  Assuming you've released press realeases about the exhibit or program you can track how many calls/inquiries (via phone, web, mail, etc.) are made regarding it.  In the same way, track how many media outlets picked up your press release for print/broadcast etc.  Good luck with your efforts and kudos to you for acknowledging the importance of evaluation.

Sarah Sessions
National Museum of the United States Air Force
1100 Spaatz St.
WPAFB, OH 45433-7102
(937) 255-5174 x376
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