For those of you who are using PastPerfect out there, which of the 
research methods do you/your volunteers use the most?  

My dilemma, we converted from FileMakerPro to PastPerfect going on two 
years ago and the program is pretty much unusable do to the fact much of 
the information did not end up in the correct field, somewhat scattered. 

My plans were to have information entered into the people field and search 
terms field, by volunteers, and have our reference room volunteers, most 
are of retirement age, use the people field and search terms field for 
performing research request for our patrons in our research library.  I 
thought this would be the easiest method for our volunteers to access the 

I have been hesitant to teach our reference room volunteers the program 
for fear of them getting frustrated at not being able to find the 
information they are looking for.   I have thought of training them to do 
dataentry, but they are usually to busy to perform dataentry while working 
in the reference room.

My other dilemma/difficulty has been finding volunteers who are willing to 
do dataentry. 

I would appreciate any guidance, suggestions anyone can give on training 
the "older generation" volunteer a new computer program, how to recruit 
volunteers to do dataentry, and as stated before what research method(s) 
most commonly used in PastPerfect.  I have also cross-posted this message 
at Pastime Software.


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